Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Define 5 canons; List invention strategies

I am putting my comment as a new post: I want to continue from yesterday but not sure if folks will go back to our answer page or not--
Kara and Natalie approach the question I am asking- Matt kind of makes this point too--- and I'm sure all of us want to get a grip on how much theory to give, say freshman, but anyone really who is not in our graduate-level rhet/comp track.
I think it would be helpful (to me at least!) if we went over the FIVE canons and defined them succinctly, ranking them hierarchically if necessary-- or nesting them? HELP!
Also-- if we made a list of 10 (do we use that many distinct ones? Or is it more like six?) invention strategies as a seminar group- that we all use in our teaching. Sort of like an annotated bib, and following up/streamlining our discussion yesterday.

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