Thursday, October 21, 2010
Inventing Invention: The Penultimate Class

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Collective Invention
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Remix Culture

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Digital Invention
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Define 5 canons; List invention strategies
Kara and Natalie approach the question I am asking- Matt kind of makes this point too--- and I'm sure all of us want to get a grip on how much theory to give, say freshman, but anyone really who is not in our graduate-level rhet/comp track.
I think it would be helpful (to me at least!) if we went over the FIVE canons and defined them succinctly, ranking them hierarchically if necessary-- or nesting them? HELP!
Also-- if we made a list of 10 (do we use that many distinct ones? Or is it more like six?) invention strategies as a seminar group- that we all use in our teaching. Sort of like an annotated bib, and following up/streamlining our discussion yesterday.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Whither Invention in the Classroom

So one take-away from this reading is that there are many theories of invention, another
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Originality Map Two and Comment on Invention
By Marian, Caleb, Tony, and Jennifer
“The ‘originality group #2’ believes this exercise was an act of invention. We didn’t create new knowledge, but that’s not necessarily the goal of invention. We responded to an exigence by creating new knowledge for ourselves. This method, for us, was hermeneutical. We created an understanding of Lauer’s text.”
Knowledge Map and Comment on Invention
By Leigh, Kara, Liane, Lathan, and Michael
“Yes our exercise is an act of invention. While we started with pre-existing knowledge, as a group we collaborated to generate an arrangement of ideas that represents our interpretation of the pre-existing knowledge. Our interpretation is that there are two opposing perspectives about knowledge’s role within invention.”
Comment on Invention (Waiting for Agency Map)
Leah, Kendra, Stacy, and Michael (Neal).“Yes: In placing this information from our chapters into a visual form, and in using interpretation to glean agency where the term may not have been used, we used invention to make meaning. This activity was not merely a recounting but a collaborative reshaping targeting our key concept of agency.”
Intertextuality Map and Comment on Invention
By Natalie and Logan
“Yes, Lauer used other people to create her text; we used Lauer to create our (thus, intertextuality) while the text we created may not contain ‘brand new knowledge’ it reconceptualized invention in the metaphor of a cave giving us easier access to knowledge about the nature of intertextuality + invention.”
Recursive Map and Comment on Invention
Originality Map One and Comment on Invention
By Elizabeth, Matt, Ruth, and Katie
“Yes. This was an inventional activity. However, the act of invention did not necessarily create new knowledge in the same way for each knowledge in the same way for each member of the group. This exercise was hermeneutical as we drew from Lauer’s text and heuristic as our collaboration texturalized our understanding of originality.”
Discovery Map and Comment on Invention
By Scott, Emami, Stephen, and Josh
“Yes - as a individual group, our work was invention since it involved hermeneutics (discussion of our interpretation of the text) and heuristics (generation of new Knowledge) via the map. As a class, we saw the presentation as an exercise in invention, particularly in our performances.”
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Nature, Purpose, and Epistemology of 20th Century Rhetorical Invention

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Invention Notes 9-13
Invention Key Terms
· Agency (4)
· Recursive (4)
· Discovery (4)
· Originality (4)
· Exigence (3)
· Intertextuality (2)
· Knowledge (2)
· Process
· Collaboration
· (Re) generation
· Genre
· Goal
· Revision
· Genius
· Kairos
· Relocation
· Displacement
· Context
Tensions in notion of Invention
(Perhaps venn diagrams are more helpful for avoiding dichotomies?)
· Kairos
· Agency of Rhetor
· Discovery/Creation/Invention/Creativity/Originality/(Re)envision
o Discovery and Creation as mutually exclusive? or overlapping?
o “New” vs. already known (constructing vs. finding)
o “New” to all or “new” to individual rhetor
o Form vs. Content (scientific knowledge vs rhetorical style) (syllogistic vs empirical knowledge)
o Hermenutics vs. Heuristic (involvement of texts)
o Authorization/Who makes these distinctions? (gatekeepers/watch dogs)
§ Scholars (Academy) vs. Masses (Urban Dictionary/Wikipedia)
· Contexts involved:
o Individual
o Historical
Why do we need to know this?
Invention manifests itself in:
· Our scholarship
· Our classrooms pedagogies and students
· Our worldviews
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A History of Invention
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Key Terms
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Welcome! and Let's Begin
The framework that Janice Lauer provides in Invention’s first two chapters (and a spoiler alert: throughout the entire book) is summarized here: "Theorists also disagree over whether invention is hermeneutic or heuristic or both (i.e., whether invention’s purpose is to interpret and critique existing texts, produce new texts, or both)."
In our discussions of invention, as indicated in our definitions and especially in our questions, we linked invention to originality. What do you make of this difference in focus between Lauer's and ours, or do you even see it as a difference?