Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Key Terms

Thanks for the good conversation today: clearly, we're going to find the hermeneutics/heuristics binary a productive site of discussion.

Since we didn't complete our tasks--the last one was to identify the key terms that will frame our inquiry into invention--let's complete that here. Toward that end, please nominate two terms that you think should be in this set of terms. The object, you'll remember, is for us to have a set of five or so terms. And for the time being, let's disregard h & h.

Please complete your posting by a week from today. And your posts, btw, are doing exactly as I'd hoped in that you're making great connections with each other's points.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Welcome! and Let's Begin

The framework that Janice Lauer provides in Invention’s first two chapters (and a spoiler alert: throughout the entire book) is summarized here: "Theorists also disagree over whether invention is hermeneutic or heuristic or both (i.e., whether invention’s purpose is to interpret and critique existing texts, produce new texts, or both)."

In our discussions of invention, as indicated in our definitions and especially in our questions, we linked invention to originality. What do you make of this difference in focus between Lauer's and ours, or do you even see it as a difference?